Our Mission
To unleash the power of 5G, the FCC must move forward with its Notice of Proposed Rulemaking to modernize rules and open up the 12 GHz band, securing America’s global leadership to protect national and economic security interests while bolstering competition and choices for the American public and businesses.
America has an opportunity to unlock the power of the 12 GHz band for 5G, giving us an edge: an edge over competitors like China who threaten our leadership in 5G; an edge for innovation and new technologies to revolutionize the way we live, work, and learn; and an edge for consumers through more competition and choices.
The U.S. ranks last among 13 major wireless markets in capacity, which is essential for 5G. The 500 MHz of licensed terrestrial mid-band spectrum in the 12 GHz band will catapult the United States back to its place as a global leader in telecommunications. The 12 GHz band is unlike any other. It’s a large swath of a precious finite resource. It’s unencumbered from federal users. And its power is ready to be unleashed immediately.