Statement by 5G for 12 GHz Coalition Co-Chair Joe Lockhart on FCC Filing Deadline
WASHINGTON, D.C., May 7th – Today’s filing deadline is an important step toward a unique opportunity facing the FCC: unlocking the power of the 12 GHz spectrum band for American 5G leadership. The 5G for 12 GHz Coalition has a broad, diverse group of voices all calling for change – change of decades-old rules that are holding our nation back in the race to 5G against China. We are confident that spectrum-sharing – among 5G terrestrial services, direct broadband satellite (DBS), and non-geostationary orbiting satellites (NGSOs), both existing and prospective – is not only possible, but is imperative.
Any operator who wants to offer services in the 12 GHz band and is insisting that it must only be used for one purpose, should have to explain to Americans why they are taking this anti-5G position. Spectrum is a finite resource, and the 12 GHz band offers the chance to accomplish all of our objectives and has something for everyone— accelerating 5G, protecting DBS, empowering NGSOs, connecting Americans – urban and rural – ensuring U.S. global leadership, enhancing consumer choice, and boosting the economy. We urge the Commission to prioritize science and facts in its decision making and not be swayed by a few companies who want to block 500 MHz of spectrum from being unleashed for 5G.