5Gfor12GHz Coalition Welcomes New Member Starry, Bringing Membership to 37
WASHINGTON, D.C., July 20, 2022 – The 5Gfor12GHz Coalition today announced the addition of its newest member, Starry, a next generation, licensed fixed wireless technology developer and internet service provider, with operations currently serving consumers in seven states and the District of Columbia. The Coalition includes a diverse group of policy thought leaders, public interest groups, and service providers, both large and small, that have joined forces to urge the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to open up the 12 GHz spectrum band for two-way terrestrial and 5G mobile services. The Coalition has submitted multiple technical reports showing the economic value for Americans and the possibility of co-existence of satellite and terrestrial with no interference for more than 99.85% of NGSO users alongside 5G users. The growing robust support for modernizing the rules governing the 12GHz band by companies like Starry demonstrates the interest and demand from providers across America to have access to the band for consumers.
Starry co-founder and Chief Executive Officer, Chet Kanojia expressed his support of the Coalition’s work: “Spectrum is an important and finite natural resource, and we believe the Commission should always be proactive in its efforts to open bands for new services. Opening up this band for two-way terrestrial service can foster technological innovations, enhance competition and lead to more affordable consumer access to connectivity. Starry supports the Commission’s goals to expand opportunities for additional operations in this band, which we believe can serve as another important tool in helping close the digital divide in communities across the country.”
The Coalition urges the FCC to rely on the substantial engineering, economic, and technical data submitted into the record to inform its decision to unleash an additional 500 MHz of available capacity in the 12 GHz band for terrestrial two-way 5G services. Chip Pickering, Coalition Co-Chair, and INCOMPAS CEO, welcomed Starry and reaffirmed their shared purpose.
“Starry – another trusted provider who offers American families the connectivity services they need – is an important addition to the Coalition and signifies the growing support across various perspectives and industries for opening the 12 GHz band,” Pickering said. “Ensuring access to critical spectrum resources like 12 GHz is the central, shared goal of our Coalition members. By unleashing the band for two-way terrestrial and 5G services, the FCC has an opportunity to enhance American global leadership, boost competition, and help close the digital divide. The data is clear: both terrestrial and satellite-based services can co-exist without harmful interference. The FCC can and should act, generating immense public and economic benefits at a time when we need it most.”
As demand for spectrum and 5G have only grown since this proceeding opened, Starry’s support will be vital in advancing the FCC proceeding and achieving shared, bipartisan goals for American families and enterprise users.
The Coalition calls on the FCC to act on its Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (Expanding Flexible Use of the 12.2-12.7 GHz Band, et al., WT Docket No. 20-443, et al) to allow the 12 GHz band to unlock the power of 5G for all Americans.
The 5Gfor12GHz Coalition consists of 37 diverse and prominent public interest groups, trade associations, and companies in the telecommunications sector, calling on the FCC to act swiftly to allow the 12 GHz band to unlock the power of 5G for all Americans. The Coalition consists of the following members and growing: A Side Technology, Airspan, AtLink, Benton Institute for Broadband and Society, BroadbandOne, Cambridge Broadband Networks Group, Center for Educational Innovation, Center for Rural Strategies, Ceragon, Computer & Communications Industry Association, DISH, Dell Technologies, Etheric Networks, Federated Wireless, Geolinks, Globtel, Go Long Wireless, Granite, Incompas, MMwave Tech LLC, MVD53, Mavenir, Mixcomm, New America, NextLink, Public Knowledge, RS Access, Resound Networks, Rise Broadband, Rural Wireless Association, Starry, Tilson, VM Ware, WeLink, White Cloud, X Lab, Xiber. For more information, visit 5Gfor12GHZ.com and learn why the 12 GHz band is the best option for opening more mid-band spectrum here.